3 research outputs found

    Local diffusion in the extracellular space of the brain

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    The brain extracellular space (ECS) is a vast interstitial reticulum of extreme morphological complexity, composed of narrow gaps separated by local expansions, enabling interconnected highways between neural cells. Constituting on average 20% of brain volume, the ECS is key for intercellular communication, and understanding its diffusional properties is of paramount importance for understanding the brain. Within the ECS, neuroactive substances travel predominantly by diffusion, spreading through the interstitial fluid and the extracellular matrix scaffold after being focally released. The nanoscale dimensions of the ECS render it unresolvable by conventional live tissue compatible imaging methods, and historically diffusion of tracers has been used to indirectly infer its structure. Novel nanoscopic imaging techniques now show that the ECS is a highly dynamic compartment, and that diffusivity in the ECS is more heterogeneous than anticipated, with great variability across brain regions and physiological states. Diffusion is defined primarily by the local ECS geometry, and secondarily by the viscosity of the interstitial fluid, including the obstructive and binding properties of the extracellular matrix. ECS volume fraction and tortuosity both strongly determine diffusivity, and each can be independently regulated e.g. through alterations in glial morphology and the extracellular matrix composition. Here we aim to provide an overview of our current understanding of the ECS and its diffusional properties. We highlight emerging technological advances to respectively interrogate and model diffusion through the ECS, and point out how these may contribute in resolving the remaining enigmas of the ECS.The authors acknowledge funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-115896RJ-I00, PID2020-113894RB-I00, PCI2022-135040-2), the Basque Government (GIC21/76, GIU21/048), CIBERNED, Human Frontier Science Program (RGP0036/2020) and Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP-020505) through the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (MJFF)

    A Model of Effective Diffusion and Tortuosity in the Extracellular Space of the Brain

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    Tortuosity of the extracellular space describes hindrance posed to the diffusion process by a geometrically complex medium in comparison to an environment free of any obstacles. Calculating tortuosity in biologically relevant geometries is difficult. Yet this parameter has proved very important for many processes in the brain, ranging from ischemia and osmotic stress to delivery of nutrients and drugs. It is also significant for interpretation of the diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance data. We use a volume-averaging procedure to obtain a general expression for tortuosity in a complex environment. A simple approximation then leads to tortuosity estimates in a number of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) geometries characterized by narrow pathways between the cellular elements. It also explains the counterintuitive fact of lower diffusion hindrance in a 3D environment. Comparison with Monte Carlo numerical simulations shows that the model gives reasonable tortuosity estimates for a number of regular and randomized 2D and 3D geometries. Importantly, it is shown that addition of dead-end pores increases tortuosity in proportion to the square root of enlarged total extracellular volume fraction. This conclusion is further supported by the previously described tortuosity decrease in ischemic brain slices where dead-end pores were partially occluded by large macromolecules introduced into the extracellular space